Mbiko - A design journey

Mbiko - A design journey

Mbiko is a personalised design expedition that we embark on with clients through our interior design services and lifestyle products.

Derived from the Swahili term Matambiko, meaning "daily practice" or "rituals," Mbiko fosters a celebration of self and traditions, emphasising personal well-being and comfort within one's surroundings, and the expression of individuality. Symbolising our values, Mbiko acts as a guide to enhance clarity and positivity through our design services and products.

At the core, Mbiko strives for Authenticity, Mindfulness, and Creativity.

Authenticity means embracing and embodying your true self, infusing every aspect of your daily life with personal essence, including the way you style your home to reflect your genuine tastes and needs.

To cultivate mindfulness, it's essential to honor our customs and routines with purpose. Awareness extends to sourcing products ethically and sustainably and being conscious of their origins. By considering the craftsmanship behind items and opting for those with unique narratives instead of mass-produced goods, we can create spaces that express meaningful stories and individuality.

Creativity leads us on a path of self-discovery as we explore our individuality, express ourselves and curate our living environments.

YaKaa products reflect this idea through our distinctive patchwork of vibrant colours and patterns, each meticulously handmade and responsibly sourced, narrating a new story with every piece.

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